Irmtraud Tarr - YouTube
Irmtraud Tarr - YouTube more...
Ars Docendi Staatspreis
In 2017 Irmtraud Tarr was nominated for the Ars Docendi Staatspreis of Austria (excellence in teaching). more...
Irmtraud Tarr received the Staufer medal
As the first person in the city of Rheinfelden Professor Dr. Irmtraud Tarr received the Staufer medal. The Staufer medal is a personal honor of the minister president for merits in the land of Baden-Württemberg and its populace. This honor has to do with unsolicited merits for many years in public welfare. more...
brief information
Dr. phil Irmtraud Tarr, Lehrtherapeutin EAG, Psycho- therapeutin für Kinder und Jugendliche (master-therapist EAG and therapist of children and youths), works as a psychotherapist and music therapist (Ph. D., University of Hamburg 1987) in her own practice in Rheinfelden.
Irmtraud Tarr is the author of many articles and to date 33 books from her various fields of interest. Particularly worthy of note are two books on stage fright (Kreuz Verlag and Asanger Verlag), one of which has been translated into English: Performance Power (Summit Books, Tempe AZ, ISBN 1-887210-00-8); Die magische Kraft der Beachtung (Herder), in which light is shed on a fundamental human need hitherto neglected in publications; So zähmen Sie ein Stachelschwein – Vom Umgang mit schwierigen Menschen [How to Tame a Porcupine – on dealing with difficult people] (Herder) und Das Donald Duck-Prinzip – Scheitern als Chance für ein neues Leben [The Donald Duck Syndrome – failure as a chance for a new life] (Gütersloher Verlagshaus).
Irmtraud Tarr is a concert organist of international reputation and did numerous recordings for sound carrier, broadcast and TV, for the most part on historical instruments. She likes in particular curiosities off the beaten track. Since 1980 she plays as a duo together with the well-known trumpeter Edward H. Tarr.
She can be often seen and heard in all the media.